The Nutmeg Court
Reign 3 (1996)

*His Imperial Majesty, Grandson to Empress I Jose, the Widow
Norton, The Emperor of Absolute Achievement, Emperor 3 of
Connecticut Savvas Mintatos*
Reign 4 (1997)
Empress Bambi Lee

Reign 5 (1998)

His Imperial Majesty, The Diamond Star Blue Moon Emperor,
Emperor 5 of Connecticut Paul Caldwell
The Imperial Sovereign Court of all Connecticut
Reign 1 ( year 2000)

His Imperial Majesty, The Why Because He Likes You Mickey Mouse Emperor, Emperor 2000 Michael D’Agostino
Her Imperial Majesty, The Oops I Did It Again Phoenix Empress of White Fire & Diamonds of The Emerald Isle,
Imperial Great Granddaughter to the Queen Mother of the America’s, Nicole the Great, Empress 1, 9 & 17
Brandy Alexander Amore St. James
Reign 2 (2001)
Emperor Peter Thibeault
Her Imperial Majesty, The Golden Stardust Ballroom Empress
2001 of Pearls & Passion, Empress 2001 Kiko Amore

Reign 3 (2002)

Emperor David Santa-Paula
Empress Miranda Wrights
Reign 4 (2003)
Emperor Don Raimondo Reeves

Reign 5 (2004)

Emperor Jason Belanger
Empress Cassandra Fiore
Reign 6 (2005)
Emperor Ray Deluca
Empress Jezebel*

Reign 7 (2006)

Emperor Jason Belanger
Empress Bunny Louise Spendzalot*
Reign 8 (2007)
His Imperial Majesty, The Sapphire and Sterling Phoenix
Emperor, Emperor 2007 John M. Howard
*Her Imperial Majesty, The Enchanted Winter Empress, Keeper
of The Disney Divas, Empress 2007 The Divine Spice Celestial*

Reign 9 (2008)

Emperor Michael Giza
Empress Brandy Alexander Amore
Reign 10 (2009)
Emperor JP Licari Amore
Empress Damiana Laroux

Reign 12 (2011)
Emperor Nick DeSabella
Empress Chanel Couture

Reign 13 (2012)

Emperor Nick De Sibella
Reign 14 (2013)
Emperor Trevor Reynolds
Empress Morgana deLuxe

Reign 15 (2014)

Emperor Dan McCarthy
Empress Harlette LeFleur
Reign 16 (2015)
Emperor Dustin D Cobwebs
Empress Miss Dandy Lions

Reign 17 (2016)

Emperor JP Licari Amore
Empress Brandy Alexander
Reign 18 (2017)
Emperor Michael Winslow LeFleur
Empress Lucia Virginity-Amore Alexander Mansfield deLuxe

Reign 19 (2018)

Emperor Dale McKenzie
Reign 21 (2020)

Emperor Don Houston
Empress Talluleh Bunkbed deLuxe Alexander
Reign 22 (2021)
Emperor Vu Tran
Empress Miss Frank Borrelli

Reign 23 (2022)

Monarch Bryce McKenzie
Empress LunaTikk Amore
*Her Imperial Majesty, The One Who Walks Alone but surrounded by Many, Empress 3 of Western Mass – Bella

*In Memoriam*
**Member from another court