Presently there are over 90 chapters across the U.S., Canada & Mexico with several concentrated in the New England region. Back in the Early days (1980’s & 1990’S) courts ruled regionally: there was an Imperial Sovereign Court of New England, comprising Connecticut, Rhode Island, and New York. That model didn’t work well, seeing New York City alone was mammoth, with its own distinct culture. It was decided that courts should have statewide reigns, and the Nutmeg Empire in Connecticut was formed.
Giving Homage to the Nutmeg Empire, The Imperial Sovereign Court of All CT began to form, has been around for the past 25 yrs! Thanks to founders Brandy Alexander, Cassandra Fiore, and Morgana de Luxe (who are all still active members today) we have grown to include some great leaders, who grow and inspire us daily.
From the Nutmeg Court 1996-1998
From Reign 2000 – 2010
From Reign 2010 – 2020
Reign 21 – Reign 25. ISCofAllCT changed from Reign Years to Reign Numbers during Reign 19 (2019 – 2020)
Distinguished Leaders – Monarchs who have relocated from other realms and have become active in our organization can be found here.