Reign XXVI Investitures
On Sunday, March 16th we officially kicked off Reign XXVI with our Investitures! Our first event where our council bestowed new titles to members, introduced our beneficiaries and offered a glimpse into our reign! The titles given to members vary from one chapter to another and are primarily left to the discretion of the Reign, but the titles awarded were Imperial Crown Princess, Princess, Duchess / Scion and Viscountess. A huge congratulations to those who did receive an elevation, you all deserved them. Other appellations bestowed resemble offices or professions within a medieval or modern noble court rather than titles of nobility, such as “Court Jester” or “Chancellor of the Realm” and so forth. These titles may be as serious-sounding or as humorously campy as the monarchs wish. Titles are traditionally based upon those used by European nobility (especially the British Peerage)
Reign XXVI Beneficiaries

Reign XXVI Upper House & Advisors

Members of the ISCofAllCT start their journey with us on one of three lines, as a Lord, A Lady or a Liege. Throughout their support they can achieve higher titles up to Emperor, Empress or Monarch. Please welcome the following individuals as they achieved appropriate titles:

Grand Baroness


