
Member Spotlight Morgana de Luxe

As The Imperial Sovereign Court of All Connecticut celebrates 25 years of doing good in our state and community, we want to celebrate the folx who make our success possible, our members. We would like to this opportunity to highlight one of our members and ask them questions about themselves and The ISC of All CT.

Today we highlight Empress 2013 Morgana de Luxe:

1.When did you join the organization/how long have you been associated?

I joined the organization when we were still The Nutmeg Empire, so have been associated 27 years.

2. How did you hear about the ISC of All CT?

Through Empress IV Bambi Lee, The White Swam Empress

3. What interested you in joining the organization?

I grew up giving back to the communities and was taught by my father that we do this, because it is the right thing to do, with no expectations back.

4. Please give 3 to 5 adjectives to describe the ISC of All CT?

Fun, Exhausting but worth it, Inspiring, Motivational, Lasting friendship

5. What is your fondest memory/moment with the organization?

The first time I met Jose I, The Widow Norton, both mine and Trevor’s, but when I was Empress in 2013 and had a chance to attend True Colors and work with the youth and I was inspired to give them a ‘It does get better’ speech’ and received a standing ovation. One of my top ten moments that has affected me in my life

6. Where would you like the organization to go in the future?

I think we need to meld with the times and find new ways to attract younger folx (considering I’m one of the oldest members) and try to become more connected with the Communities of Connecticut.


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