As The Imperial Sovereign Court of All Connecticut celebrates 25 years of doing good in our state and community, we want to celebrate the folx who make our success possible, our members. Each week we will highlight one of our members and ask them questions about themselves and The ISC of All CT.
Today we highlight Viscount Mikey Pancakes:
- 1. When did you join the organization/how long have you been in association?
- I have been in the court since December of 2023, officially inducted during coronation 25 at the out-of-town show.
- 2. How did you hear about the ISC of All CT?
- I met a goofy, friendly person named Bryan, (Emprex 31 Anna Mae Ceres/Tehdy B from the Imperial Sovereign Queen City Court of the Buckeye Empire – ISQCCBE) during the pandemic on TikTok and became very good friends with them. One day, I got a message on snapchat to come to Connecticut Coronation to finally meet up. I had no idea what it was, but I went to the victory brunch and after party and the rest was history, and I’ve been around the court ever since!
- 3. What interested you in joining the organization?
- Honestly, it’s the people. I have never felt more at home with a community and more able to be myself. Of course, I love all that we do for the community, and I am happy to be of service, but the real thing that keeps me in the court is all of you and all the beautiful memories we make. I’ve been apart (or at least court adjacent) for almost two years, and some of my modest memories of my life are due to the court, and I want to continue on that path.
- 4. Please give 3 to 5 adjectives to describe the ISC of All CT?
- Elegant, Radiant, and BLINGY
- 5. What is your fondest memory/moment with the organization?
- My fondest moment was being inducted into the court during my first ever Connecticut coronation. I felt like I was finally home, in a world full of unknown and uncertainty, it gave me a sense of grounding and security that I will always have a place in this world.
- 6. Where would you like the organization to go in the future?
- Honestly?…. EVERYWHERE. I’d love to see us expand to non-conventional places. Don’t get me wrong, I love the ballrooms, I love the bar and pride events, but I’d love to see us expand into places people wouldn’t expect us to be. Places like Anime Con, or ren faires, expos, car shows, (c’mon some of us have cool cars!) I believe expanding into capacities where LGBTQ+ foundations typically aren’t expected to be will exponentially help us spread the word about the work we do for the community and give us a voice bigger than we’d ever imagine, because at the end of the day, people like to hide in the shadows and some people suffer alone. It’s up to us to bring the party to them.