
Member Spotlight Don Houston

Emperor 21 Don Houston

As The Imperial Sovereign Court of All Connecticut celebrates 25 years of doing good in our state and community, we want to celebrate the folx who make our success possible, our members. Each week we will highlight one of our members and ask them questions about themselves and The ISC of All CT.

Today we highlight Emperor 21 Don Houston:

1. When did you join the organization/how long have you been associated?

10 years ago? Oh god!

2. How did you hear about the ISC of All CT?

I was dating drag queen who mentioned there is a court.

3. What interested you in joining the organization?

Helping the community and meeting new and interesting people. As well as the chance to perform at events knowing your tips are going to help others.

4. Please give 3 to 5 adjectives to describe the ISC of All CT?

Sparkly! Shiny! Voluptuous!

5. What is your fondest memory/moment with the organization?

Besides my own step up, as I look back, I did actually enjoy my reign despite all the stress. The more I travel and hear about other courts simply shut down during that time, I grow more and more proud of my own reign and achievements. We all came together and made it work: getting Venmo, doing online events, setting the example for online coronation, convincing queens to make music videos where before they only did live shows, me and my empress using our talents to raise money online.

6. Where would you like the organization to go in the future?

Keep thriving, keep being the fun and friendly coronation, make sure the person on the mic has charisma!


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